Why I began writing

It is not a coincidence that I started writing. Here are my reasons.

December 16, 2024

I write mostly for myself, but if you find my articles helpful, I’m happy to hear that.

Since I am a huge fan of pragmatism, I have reasons to “waste” my life with writing. Being able to express your thoughts, defend yourself, and share wisdom ranks among the top skills one should improve upon.

Here are my top reasons:

It is hard

If you want to get better, you need to do the hard things. This applies not just to writing but to life in general.

Writing is not just moving a pen or typing on a keyboard. It’s about sitting down, making time, not leaving until the task is complete, saying ‘no’ to distractions, writing when you don’t feel like it, reading those terrible sentences you wrote, exposing yourself to the world, and discovering how much you don’t know about writing.

But here I am. What else would you rather do instead?


There is always room to get better, right?

But how can you tell how bad your writing really is? Instead of keeping your thoughts in your head, write them down. Writing helps with vocabulary, structure, thought process, and grammar. It also improves other areas like discipline and resilience.


To get better, you need to practice a lot and frequently.

My current goal is to publish every Monday. I don’t care how good or bad, or how long or short the article is. As long as I sit down, write, and publish something I am satisfied with. For now, the priority is discipline. Once it becomes a habit, I can focus on improving specific aspects of my writing.


There’s nothing worse in communication than the confusion of not knowing what to say or how to say it. Writing and rewriting are the best practices to refine your thoughts. It’s done alone with your pen and paper; just like working out in a gym.


“Birds of a feather flock together,” says the proverb. I’d love to meet and connect with people who share the same interests.


Hopefully, I’ll write a book one day. To achieve that, I need to be prepared.